Macvim no auto indent
Macvim no auto indent

Represent the current visual selection - as in Vim's Visual mode), SECONDARY

macvim no auto indent

There are three documented X selections: PRIMARY (which is expected to :help x11-selection further clarifies the difference of * and +: quoteplus quote+ Note that there is only a distinction between "* and "+ for X11 systems. Is only available when the +xterm_clipboard feature is present. Working, the unnamed register is used instead. When the clipboard is not available or not Use these registers for storing and retrieving the selected text for the GUI. Selection and drop registers "*, "+ and "~.Vim has acess to ten types of registers ( :help registers) and the questioner is interested in quotestar and quoteplus from section The code for this is also in CoderwallĪlthough :pastetoggle or :paste and :nopaste should be working fine (if implemented - they are not always as we can see from the discussion) I highly recomment pasting using the direct approach "+p or "*p and reading with "+r or "*r: Tmux If using tmux, then the declarations need to be double escaped.

Macvim no auto indent update#

If anyone has a solution for WSL, please update this answer or add it in the comments.

macvim no auto indent

Note: This solution doesn't work in WSL (Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux). Now you can paste without explicitly turning paste mode on/off - it is

macvim no auto indent

Here's a little trick that uses terminal's bracketed paste mode toĪutomatically set/unset Vim's paste mode when you paste. Being the lazy person that I am, below is the best solution that I've found so far, which automatically toggles the paste mode when you paste. While setting the paste mode with paste/nopaste/pastetoggle is perfectly fine, you still have to manually enable paste mode before pasting and disable paste mode after pasting.

Macvim no auto indent